Board Certified Chiropractic Acupuncturist
Board Certified Chiropractic Acupuncturist
Phone: (636) 227-8191
Fax: (636) 230 3297
This device transmits a high frequency sound wave emitted from a quartz crystal transducer head that is gently massaged over a specific area. Most authorities agree that the action is one of a micro-massaging effect on the individual microscopic cells. This vibratory action releases and shakes loose intra and extra cellular debris.
This form of therapy utilizes pulsed electromagnetic frequencies. It is a microcirculation machine to stimulate circulation to all of our body through our small vessels. The circulation of our blood is the energy that keeps us going. It is these very small vessels that reach the most remote parts of our body.
Infrared light therapy combines two ranges (+880nm) and (+650nm). Light in these two spectrums has been shown to affect at least 24 positive changes at a cellular level. Light therapy is used to treat myofascial pain and inflammation, edema, wounds, pain, bone fractures, and peripheral neuropathy.
Call our office at (636) 227-8191 to schedule your session.
Phone: (636) 227-8191
Fax: (636) 230-3297
Address: Clarkson Chiropractic Center
242 Clarkson Road
Ellisville, Missouri 63011
Board Certified Chiropractic Acupuncturist
Sunday: Emergency Care Only
Hours are subject to change